Monday, August 2, 2010

26 July, 2010

6:15 pm (New Orleans time)

Apparently there was a nasty storm last night. But because I am my mother's daughter, I slept deeply through it all and awoke, ready to explore the city in daylight.
Last night was crazy. Even on a Sunday night, the streets were hopping.

We walked around for a few hours - me and four others - and perused the shops. So few were open before 10. I bet a lot of people call in on Monday morning, from what I saw last night.
New Orleans is different on Monday mornings. The party-feeling from last night was gone, and replaced with quiet stillness in the narrow streets, the air thick from last night's storm.

We stopped at Cafe Du Monde, and I ate a beignet for the first time in my life. For those that don't know, they're "French donuts", kind of like smaller, fluffier elephant ears with powdered sugar. Very messy for the floor, but it melts in your mouth when it's warm.

We walked down Bourbon Street. Apparently it's famous, for some reason or another. It was...interesting, to say the least.
The best part was when a small troupe of kids ages 8 and younger walked by "Sex Acts by Men and Women", and they laughed while the owner tried to cover up the photos posted on the windows. "Don't look - keep walking!"

(Taylor Peters...I still want that pecker that hops around when you wind it up!)

We went into another shop and looked at mardi gras masks. I got myself a voodoo doll that came with instructions and needles already pinned in. I almost wish I had gotten a real mask, but oh well.

The parish we are staying in for the week was not anything like I was expecting. It's ten tines nicer than Camp Victor was. But I guess I can deal with that.

At Walmart, Sheehan ruined the surprise.
"What kind of cake do you like?"
Looks like my birthday will be recognized, after all. And it looks like my birthday is going to fall on TACO NIGHT! Cha cha cha!!

Oh, and Sheehan had a meltdown when she realized she forgot journals for everyone. Such a funny meltdown, too.

Quote of the day was when we played this game in which people write stories, and four people go to the front of the group...the story being told is one of the four's, but all of them have to act like it's they're story.
Brandon Walsh was asked how he knew that there was a hole in the crotch of his pants, and he nonchalantly replied "I looked down and saw my wang."

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