Saturday, July 24, 2010

I'll Be Back August 1st.

This is my last night with a computer until August 1st. And the weird thing is, I don't know what to say.

Last night, I saw Inception with my dad. My mind was blown. I have never seen a movie that made me feel the way this one did. I've seen Dark Knight, and I've seen Avatar...both movies that impressed me, but they did not compare with Inception.

I just sat on the hood of my van for a long time after I walked out of the theatre...unable to speak, trying to wrap my head around what I had just seen and heard. I watched the marvelous heat lightning in the sky silhouetting the clouds

They talked about ideas getting into your head. They said that once an idea was placed in your head, it could shift the world and make the rules bend.

And that presented a thought to me: when we meet people, we form an idea as to who they might be to us. Someone that loves us (a little or consumingly), someone that looks down upon us, someone that intimidates us.
Therefore, when people turn out to be something that's the opposite of our idea...we end up either being hurt or being surprised. And we have to adjust our entire view of that person. It's difficult to shake an idea away.

They also talked about the subconcious and the human mind. It talked about its power and what people do to themselves in order to live the life they desire. One of the quotes from the movie explains this pretty well:

"She locked away a secret, deep inside herself, something she once knew to be true...but chose to forget."

We all have those, you know. Locked deep within our subconcious...things we've chosen to not think about anymore, and try to forget entirely. But eventually those things return to us, in some form or another. And we have to face them again. They cripple us.

It's not good, though, when you're like Mal and you lock away the sense of reality. You live in a place where you're happy and full of bliss...
In a dream. And you decide to never wake up. You can't decipher what is real and what you've fabricated yourself.

The subconcious is such an entity in and of itself. It is raw. It does not go easy on you. It is not polite, and it is not kind.
It accepts things your concious mind does not. I started to learn about the subconcious in Journalism, when Mr Wall talked about writing with your subconcious because you write better that way (and you really do). And this movie took it to a whole new level.

It's so difficult to talk about it, even with all this. I need to see it again. Because I seriously still have to think about it all.


And now for something completely different.

I went back and read everything I had ever written since my good friend Sascha Simpson died September 15, 2008. It was such a thing, to see how my writing (and thoughts) have gotten deeper and so much better since then.
Mr Wall said that good writing takes practice (and lots of reading), and a lot of thinking.

I've sure done a lot of thinking. I've done a lot of living, too. And loving.
I think those two things really made my writing get better.
I like to think. I like to live. I like to love.

Those are my three favorite things to do.
But mostly...I think I like to love the very most. I feel happiest and most alive when I love.

Anyway. I found a few entries in which I wrote about the trip from last year. It made me excited about this trip coming up. I'd once again be traveling to a new place with people I wasn't necessarily close to...with no cell phone and no Facebook.

To make it better...there are two things.
One, my birthday's on Tuesday.
Two, I'm going to meet Tropical Storm Bonnie. (I promise you I will not be sucked in!)

I can't wait to write. I can't wait to go on this adventure. I can't wait to escape from the world for a week. It is going to be amazing. I can feel it now. I don't think I will be sleeping a lot tonight, and that means I'll sleep a lot in the van. Which is probably a good thing. Those rides were very long, and very cramped.
(bow chicka bow wow)

Wow, I'm on a roll tonight.

I'm going to drive a nail (or a hundred).
I'm going to get a farmer's tan.
I'm going to turn eighteen.
I'm going to laugh.
I'm going to write.
I'm going to smell like stinky boy at the end of every day.
I'm going to have a blast in the French Quarter.
I'm going to take lots of pictures.
I'm going to dance and sing.

See you all when I return! I'll be thinking about you.

I will be expecting your calls, which I will listen to the minute I get back.
I promise you that.

I love you all. And I'm gone.

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